lørdag den 10. september 2011

The legend of..


EEEEEEEEEEKK !! I can't wait 8D

It's released October 31st, aka halloween, which isn't that much of a surprise, since Dahvie thinks he's halloween xD <3

Some clever dude commentet: 'to me it looks like it relates to Let's start a riot, it's hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world, the I SCREAM I SCREAM EP and All The Rage for the 4 crests :D'
Awesome o3o

It also reminded me, that I still haven't bought the 'Epic' album.. I think I'm gonna buy it this evening, since I've decided not to buy the Cherry Berry Bunny by Angelic Pretty.. (JSK, headbow & socks) Reeeally hard decision since it's one of my favorite brands, but I have to save money for my trip to London next month..

Oh, and the cover is apparenty The Legend of Zelda-art, which also leads to the name of the CD..

Cocoa & Cupcakes, Amy ~

lørdag den 3. september 2011

NEW Lolita shoes + Cracked Effect nails!

Home, sweet home!
I came home yesterday, after a week with my class on a small danish island..

When I came home, the shoes I ordered from annahousefashion.com had arrived, just waiting for me!

Look at these lovelies! I adore them ~

But then, after wearing them for about 15 minutes, this happend:

I have no idea of how this happend ):

And, after wearing them for under an hour outside today, they looked like this:

;u; I'm a little sad now. Haven't even had them for 24 hours, and they're already a little destroyed.. Meh.

Yesterday, I bought this nailpolish-thingy called 'Cracked Effect', in black, so I tried it out today;

Wearing my purple & awesome silver nailpolishes from Depend underneath Cracked. c:

It looks likes this o3o:

8D ~

No watermarks on the pictures because I'm posting from my other laptop, yeah..

Cocoa & Cupcakes, Amy ~

fredag den 26. august 2011

Fake eyelashes.

I went on a small shopping-trip with my best friend, and I bought two pairs of StarGazer fake lashes - Over lashes, and under lashes.

It's my first time with fake eyelashes, so I used a really long time trying to get them on.. Luckily, it succeded c:
-Since the lashes I bought yesterday is a little dramatic, I used some old ones..

-So this is how it ended up looking :D
I'm pretty happy with it ^_^

onsdag den 24. august 2011

NEW PACKAGE & Lolita Outfit! (AP Sweet Jam)

I recived my package from Fanplusfriend.com today!
I ordered a black headdress and a pair of black bloomers :3

Thumbs up for fast shipping! I love both items c:
I actually also ordered a wigcap, because I didn't knew I would get one with the wig. I must say, I like the one from CosplayWigs the most, because it feels like it's keeping my hair in palce better than the other. On the other hand, the one from f+f doesn't hurt that much while wearing xD

Oh well, the reason I ordered these thing, is because I've had an idea for a outfit in my head for a while now.. And now I finally got the chance to try it out!

I can't take a decent full-body picture until I get a new mirror, and no-one were home to take my picture /:
I'm also sorry for the crappy quality, but I still can't find my camera >w<

Anyways, I'm very happy with my coord! <3

Outfit rundown:
Wig: CosplayWigsUSA
JSK dress: Angelic Pretty
Cardigan & stockings: H&M (I think)
Headdress & Bloomers: Fan+Friend
Accesories: Metamorphose & Merch (botdf) & offbrand
Shoes: Pieces (I think) 

Cocoa & Cupcakes, Amy ~

tirsdag den 23. august 2011


Yesterday, I recived a package.. (One of the thing I love the most, is getting postcards or packages through the post! Even if i know what they contain.. xd) Which contained the wig from Cosplaywigsusa.com (don't judge by the name - The wigs looks very real! At least the Loli-wigs do), I ordered some days ago. (Thumbs up for fast shipping!)
Now, let's see some pics! :D

The wig, still unpacked ~

Recived a wigcap with the wig! This is my first time wearing a wig, so the tutorial was very helpful xD

Aaaand, there's the wig! :D

Me wearing the wig c: Isn't it cuuute? I got alot of compliments today, while I wore it. ~
-One of the boys from my class looked horried at me, and asked what I had done to my blue hair xD

I also really like it, because it's simple, and goes well with my cuter outfits (like lolita)..
While my blue hair lets me freak out a little more :3
 Mohawk, woop! I love having layers o3o

Cocoa & Cupcakes, Amy ~

fredag den 12. august 2011


I was actually planning on blogging earlier, but my camera has mysteriously disappeared.. So, yea, can't post that many pictures.

So, yea, I took some pictures of the food we got, cuz.. I'm still wierd xD
 Got this american-styled icecream in Ostrig! Never had one before..
 Saw those super-huge watermelons at a italien supermarket.. They were the size of my 4 years old littlesister!

 And look!!! Hello Kitty salad!! Didn't buy it, tho..

All the pics of what I bought, is on my camera, so.. ):
-But I took this c: Bought the overalls in Denmark, shortly before the trip to Italy.. The Hello Kitty necklace is from an italy market, and I got the headbow from a danish lolita webside some weeks ago c:

Oh, and:
Woot! :D

Cocoa & cupcakes, Amy ~

torsdag den 21. juli 2011

No Blogging..

Haven't been blogging lately, 'cuz I haven't had access to any computers, and my iPod doesn't work atm.. + I'm going to Italy for 2 weeks tomorrow.. Gonna blog again when school starts. c:

Cocoa & Cupcakes, PR~

tirsdag den 12. juli 2011

Sentinels of Light / FURAN


I just recently started watching Onision again, and I saw this music video (which I'm gonna post later, since it won't let me do it in this post..), which featured a singer called FURAN. I'm not the biggest fan of 'dark screamo', but this guy is a cutie!

Cocoa & Cupcakes, PR ~

mandag den 11. juli 2011

Flo Rida ft. Ke$ha - Right Round ~

Germany. ~

So, I went to Germany today (by ship, if you haven't already guessed) to buy some stuff..

I got:
 This funny Skittles package! I've never seen the little wierd creature before.. Skittles mascot?
 Three 'surprise'-bags, with stickers, candy, and other random stuff! The one with spongebob is for my best friend ~ 
 A lot of Hello Kitty stuff :D
 ..And, two deo's, and a perfume ~ The purple one smells just like candy ~
..How the perfume looks c: Isn't it pretty?
I had a inner fight about either getting this one, or Diesel - Fuel For Life (if you watch youtube, you should know which one I'm talking about).. Even tho they don't look like eachother at all, they kinda smell the same.. And The Diesel also looks soo cool! But this one won because its smell is a bit sweeter.

Cocoa & Cupcakes, PR~

søndag den 10. juli 2011

Eating Out.

Well, since the summer vacation started, I've been eating out a lot.. As random as I am, I took pictures of some of it:

Om nom nom!

Cocoa & Cupcakes, PR ~

fredag den 8. juli 2011

Sebastiano Serafini

Current obsession: The italian drop-dead gorgeous model, Sebastiano Serafini. (He's btw also an actor, stylist, etc.)

(Some of the pictures are borrowed from La Carmina)

I'm madly in love with his shoes on 3rd picture, they kinda looks like some from Monomania (japanese label).. I need to go to Tokyo noooow ):

Cocoa & Cupcakes, PR ~